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Political football: How soccer has shaped the UK general election

Political football: How soccer has shaped the UK general election

A generous estate agent might describe the two-up, two-down terraced houses on the cramped side streets that lead towards Gillingham’s Priestfield Stadium as “snug”. On this warm day, the windows of several are open and the smell of frying mince and onions hangs over the turnstiles in the Brian Moore Stand, an open ‘temporary’ structure...

GB News set to axe 40 jobs after channel posts heavy losses

GB News set to axe 40 jobs after channel posts heavy losses

GB News has announced a round of redundancies with 40 jobs set to be lost at the broadcaster amid mounting losses, it’s reported. The job cuts come after the channel posted a pre-tax operating loss of £42.4m for the year to the end of May, 2023, up from £30.7m in the previous 12 months. GB...