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Tag: East Sussex

The Sussex town fighting to reopen its French-owned beach

The Sussex town fighting to reopen its French-owned beach

“For some of us it has made it feel safer,” says local resident Abi Blanshard. “Some of the dark bits, the underpasses, you can be a bit reluctant to walk through. It just feels a little bit nicer, a bit cleaner, safer. My partner works down at the food bank and the people he’s spoken...

The sickly seaside town that turned its back on work

The sickly seaside town that turned its back on work

Baroness Grey-Thompson also believes society has written off many disabled people unfairly. She believes many want to, and can, work. Ableism is rife, she claims, adding that she has also felt patronised in the past by people who believe they know best. “Disabled people are ignored – they are 20pc of the population. But it...