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How New Zealand Travel Industry Surging With Visa-free Access To 148 Countries Including Schengen Countries, USA And UK? – Travel And Tour World

How New Zealand Travel Industry Surging With Visa-free Access To 148 Countries Including Schengen Countries, USA And UK? – Travel And Tour World

Home » News Pick » How New Zealand Travel Industry Surging With Visa-free Access To 148 Countries Including Schengen Countries, USA And UK? Wednesday, June 19, 2024 Reading Time: 8 minutes New Zealand’s recent expansion of its visa-free entry policy is set to significantly boost its travel and tourism industry. As of 2024, travelers from...

Is Britain ready for World War III? Former top general warns Brits aged up to SIXTY might have to serve in Finnish-style conscript army –  as Whitehall examines using Ukraine training plan to get volunteers ready to fight Russia

Is Britain ready for World War III? Former top general warns Brits aged up to SIXTY might have to serve in Finnish-style conscript army –  as Whitehall examines using Ukraine training plan to get volunteers ready to fight Russia

Britain has to ‘think carefully’ about conscripting hundreds of thousands of Brits to fight Russia, a former top British Army officer has warned. General Richard Shirreff, a former Nato commander, warned that the UK might need to introduce a system akin to that used in Finland in the event of a European land war. It came...