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Tag: Jobs and employment

The families quitting Britain to live as digital nomads

The families quitting Britain to live as digital nomads

Like Obanye, poor interactions with Britain’s public services were a major push factor for Mike Cave. Following a series of horrific experiences in the NHS system, in 2022, Mike, his wife Frances and their eight-year-old son swapped London for Lisbon.  Enticed by the outdoorsy, spontaneous lifestyle and choosing to settle in the Portuguese town of Oeiras,...

The sickly seaside town that turned its back on work

The sickly seaside town that turned its back on work

Baroness Grey-Thompson also believes society has written off many disabled people unfairly. She believes many want to, and can, work. Ableism is rife, she claims, adding that she has also felt patronised in the past by people who believe they know best. “Disabled people are ignored – they are 20pc of the population. But it...