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Tag: Queen Elizabeth II

The big bet on the UK election is not who will be prime minister

The big bet on the UK election is not who will be prime minister

LONDON (AP) — In one of the store-front betting shops that are ubiquitous in London, a bookie howls with laughter when asked if anyone is placing bets on Thursday’s election. It’s not that you can’t wager on politics. But the odds on the main event this year have become so lopsided that a wager on...

UK begins rolling out banknotes with portrait of King Charles III

UK begins rolling out banknotes with portrait of King Charles III

People have been queuing Wednesday outside the Bank of England‘s headquarters in London and at post offices around the United Kingdom to get their hands on the first UK banknotes featuring the portrait of King Charles III. The portrait of the king will appear on all four banknotes issued by the Bank of England —...