Home » Transport company fined over forklift death, United Kingdom. News story in Forkliftaction News

Transport company fined over forklift death, United Kingdom. News story in Forkliftaction News

Transport company fined over forklift death, United Kingdom. News story in Forkliftaction News

The court heard a seatbelt could have saved the victim’s life

A transport company has been fined more than GBP85,000 (USD105,200) over the death of a 60-year-old forklift driver.

Ian Dawson was killed while loading pallets onto a truck at Chorlton Express Transport in Oldham in November 2020.

The truck moved forward, causing the forklift to overturn. Dawson, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was trapped under the vehicle and died as a result of his injuries.

An investigation by the United Kingdom’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that Chorlton Express Transport had failed to put sufficient safety systems in place regarding vehicle movements and had also failed to ensure all forklift truck drivers wore seat belts.

The Manchester Magistrates Court heard that it was highly likely that a seatbelt would have saved Dawson’s life.

Chorlton Express Transport, which pleaded guilty to breaching the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, was fined GBP86,710 (USD107,370) and ordered to pay GBP5,903 (USD7,310) costs by the Manchester Magistrates Court.

After the hearing HSE inspector Jane Carroll said: “The failures of this company has left a family without the man they loved.

“The importance of wearing seatbelts cannot be stressed enough.

“All work settings that use a forklift truck to load or unload goods need to consider the risks arising from their use and implement adequate measures to ensure the safety of those involved in these activities.”