Home » UK Golf Federation gets behind The Big Golf Race

UK Golf Federation gets behind The Big Golf Race

UK Golf Federation gets behind The Big Golf Race

The Big Golf Race, Prostate Cancer UK’s largest annual fundraising campaign, has won the backing of the UK Golf Federation, which represents the owners of more than 1,200 golf courses across the country to boost access for golfers undertaking sponsored 36, 72 or 100 holes in a day challenges this year raising money to save men’s lives.

Since The Big Golf Race was launched in 2020 more than 10,000 golfers have helped raise £3.4m to fund lifesaving research to radically improve the way prostate cancer is diagnosed and treated.  However, half of those registered to participate in the marathon challenge (72 holes)  do not fulfil the pledge and a major reason is the lack of sufficient access to book multiple rounds of golf particularly for non-members.

“The backing of the UK Golf Federation can make a significant difference to the money raised by golfers this year. We’re incredibly grateful for the support of golf course owners and operators in making provision for members and visitors to play multiple rounds of golf this summer and we hope this enables thousands more golfers to raise as much as possible to fund vital research to save men’s lives,” said Seren Evans, Head of Events & Community Fundraising at Prostate Cancer UK.

“Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, and over 12,000 dads, brothers, best mates and partners die every year from the disease. It doesn’t have to be this way and why it’s so important to have backing from as many areas of the golf community and industry as possible, including the UK Golf Federation,” she added.

“The UK Golf Federation is delighted to become a partner of The Big Golf Race, as it’s such a worthy cause and one that golfers have clearly been keen to embrace,” said CEO Doug Poole. ”The focus for Federation members is on providing as much open access to golfers as possible, and therefore supporting the fundraising efforts for Prostate Cancer UK will also provide our members the chance to contribute towards even more rounds being played this year,” he added.  

Each year, 1 in 8 men in the UK will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, that’s an average of 52,000 at a rate of 144 every day. Men at significantly higher risk are those over 50, black men and men with a family history of prostate cancer.  In addition to the fundraising efforts of The Big Golf Race, golf club Captains and those hosting charity golf days also contribute significantly to the fundraising efforts of Prostate Cancer UK’s golfing programme.

Golf club venues wishing to support Prostate Cancer UK’s Big Golf Race and offer multiple tee times to those supporting the challenge this summer can contact Prostate Cancer UK’s golf team on 020 3310 7289  or email thebiggolfrace@prostatecanceruk.org.