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YEARBOOK Awards 2024 | ArtsHub UK – Arts Industry News, Jobs & Career Advice

YEARBOOK Awards 2024 | ArtsHub UK – Arts Industry News, Jobs & Career Advice

The YEARBOOK Awards are back for 2024, with prizes from major industry organisations Alamy, Metro Imaging, Newspaper Club, and Shutter Hub Editions, accompanied by an online exhibition. Find out more about the prizes available here.

YEARBOOK is our annual awards for photographers, open to all, whatever stage they are at in their career. The Awards and exhibition are promoted to people working within the creative industries and to those who commission photography. We reach out to editors and publishers to share work with them and introduce them to photographers they may not yet know about.

YEARBOOK has no theme, it’s all about sharing your best work, and promoting the future of photography. We’re asking for entries from all photographers, no matter your background or education. Enter images that stand alone to represent your style, skills and the work you’d like to do more of.

We’ll promote your work on our website, to our contacts, through our newsletter, and on social media, reaching tens of thousands of people who are interested in photography. Our Awards judges are looking for a wide variety of photographic work to support, giving opportunities for different genres and approaches.

There are no set entry fees for YEARBOOK, we’re asking you to ‘pay what you can’. If you’re lucky enough to be in employment, or getting financial support, we hope you’ll help us support those who aren’t.

We’re making this opportunity affordable for all photographers, but it isn’t cheap to produce. Please help support us by sharing what we do. We receive no external grants or funding, but we’re determined to do what we can to keep photography open to all.

For more information, visit Shutter Hub